Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Thoughts, thoughts, and more thoughts

Yesterday I picked up the November issue of vogue,  one of my favorite magazines and one I pick up whenever I have spare change. I've been meaning to subscribe for months but have an odd fetish about only starting subscriptions at the beginning of the year. Anyways, I was eagerly flipping through it when I came across the feedback page about the previous issue and read several that were disappointed or upset by the articles (there always are) in the October issue which led me to checking one of them out on vouge's website. Below is the link to the article in case you are interested.
Gwyneth Paltrow: The Beauty and the Feast was an article about Gwyneth Paltrow, obviously, who is well known for her performances in Iron Man one and two and also as a country singer. She is releasing a new cook book, My Father's Daughter, sometime this Fall. I thought the article was well-written and interesting but the thing I was most interested in is something the author commented on, ; "But that issue of “Goop” was all about Paltrow's painful training for Iron Man 2. She apparently cooks and eats liberally between movies and special events, whereupon she detoxifies and exercises in an extreme fashion." (Jeffrey Steingarten, October issue of Vogue). Goop by the way was a newsletter that Gwyenth Paltrow wrote that included recipes for skinless chicken breasts, kale juice and soup, as well as an assortment of liquids and powders meant to aid in detox programs. Now I don't know if any of those food items sound attractive to you but they certainly don't to me! This article got me thinking about food, (although honestly when am I not?), and the way it can shape people's lives. I think one of my life long dreams is to live somewhere in Italy, sipping champagne, eating bread and cheese, and surrounded by friends. Sounds wonderful doesn't it? If only things worked that way. I think about all the things I want to do with my life and how little time there is to do it all in. I wish sometimes that we could have separate lifetimes for everything and that you could remember each separate one. I could be a teacher  in one life, a drifter in another, a business executive, or a stay at home mom. There's just not enough time to do everything, unfortunately, so we are forced to pick one thing, maybe two, to really dedicate ourselves to. One of my teachers always says that the most precious thing to her in the world is time and she is so right. Time is the most important gift in life and I intend to spend it being happy.

In my english class we are discussing the ideas of morality, justice, and fairness. I am a very opinionated person so it's hard for me to keep my mouth shut during class sometimes. In the beginning we were talking about if the world is just. And I believe no, of course it's not. But then we were asked why. Why do bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people? I think this is an extremely unfair question. How am I supposed to be able to understand, conceptualize, and deliver an answer to him about something that no one on this earth can control. I have no idea why an innocent child might die from a horrible disease whilst an evil dictator is allowed to live a long, prosperous life. I simply don't have these answers. But I think the real reason I dislike discussing these matters is because I will never be able to change other people's ideas of personal justice/ moral ideals. I, of course, think I am as justly righteous as it gets but I bet every other person out there thinks the exact same thing of themselves. I get frustrated because I know it's something that you can't change about people.

Anyways, yesterday, my family and I went to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on the big IMAX screen (they are showing every film (that was made for IMAX) there leading up to the first part of the seventh harry potter film) . It was really interesting to see it there because the lighting and the sound was so much better. I heard and saw things that I had never noticed before, so that was a fun experience. I definitely recommend seeing it if it's offered in your area.

This past weekend I was working on a project for marketing and was researching Oprah. I watched a bunch of episodes online and started thinking that I would like to start a kind of Marissa's Must Haves, similar to Oprah's favorite items. I'll be starting it next week and will name two items a week, every monday, that I enjoy using, reading, eating, etc. Hopefully I'll remember to keep up on it!

I better go. I have a french test to study for and if I want to be at least semi-prepared for my challenge in January then I better get cracking.

Au Revoir!

"A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous." - Coca Chanel

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