Tuesday, November 9, 2010


It astounds me how cruel people can be in this day and age. I was just on comcast and read an article about a boy who was beaten to death while dozens of people watched. This is not the first time I've heard of things like this. There was a kidnapping in front of Target, where several people stood by and watched as a woman was grabbed, screaming and kicking, and shoved into a van. Then there was the time that a girl attacked another girl and the security guards stood by and watched because it wasn't in their job description to interfere under those circumstances. This is complete and utter crap.  Standing by and doing nothing is almost as bad as committing the deed. What has happened to people and this blatant lack of care for another human being? And then there are all those people that witness child abuse in public and don't report it. God forbid they seem rude or impolite, no, much better that the kid wind up dead the next day. I really can't even begin to express my frustration with all of this. I am a firm believer in the hero complex and that seems to have completely vanished from our society. Agh!

I'm too irritated to write much more except the french word of the day which is; Aide, meaning help. 

Au Revoir!

"I don't design clothes. I design dreams." - Ralph Lauren

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