Sunday, November 28, 2010

Hating the End of a Long Weekend

I really hate the last day before school, after having been out for, let's see, SIX days! I just want to sleep in late again tomorrow and not worry about tests or all the friggin make up work or anything. Instead I have to get up at six in the morning (gah!), and go to a day of school that I just know is going to be the longest of my life, and then come home and do all the homework they are going to shove onto us because we missed two extra days last week. Not to mention I have to workout, do my yoga, get on here to blog, work on my fashion drawing, do extra work for French to prepare for my challenge, clean, work on my Princeton review guide for AP World, and also make it in time to a movie that my family all wants to go see tomorrow! On top of all that I don't even have my favorite TV show in the world to look forward to that usually airs on Monday nights, Castle, because of that dumbest idea in the world show; Skating with the stars. I cannot even fathom the thought process that went into that show! Whoever thought it would be a good idea to stick a bunch of untrained celebrities into an arena in which it is very likely they could die, was not thinking.

For those of you who have never seen Castle it is led by Nathan Fillion, one of the most adorable, although much older than me, actors. Speaking of actors I'm very excited for tomorrow's favorite things. I will be posting my top favorite male actors and I am very excited!

French word of the day: École which means school.

Au Revoir!

". . . my goal is to constantly move in fashion and move in style without giving up what I am." - Ralph  Lauren.

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