Monday, November 22, 2010

Lost? Me too.

SPOILER ALERT!! Alright now that I've warned you, I have just completed the final episode of  the final season of lost and am feeling distraught, confused, and uncertain. Basically you find out that this odd alternate timeline that's been running for the past season is actually limbo and everyone who eventually dies  either on the island or if they were lucky (i.e Kate, Sawyer, the Captain dude, Miles, Richard, and Claire) off of it, are there waiting as their subconscious builds this situation in which they all remember their life together on the island as they re-meet each other in this universe in which there was no island. Then when everyone is back together they move on into whatever lays "beyond". You can imagine the sob fest. While this is great and all and seems to tie things up pretty neatly, it does leave some pretty huge loose ends. Like what was the point of  the Dharma Initiative? How did Desmond get home? What happened to everyone that eventually got home? So Jack doesn't have a son? Kate and Sawyer never get together most likely which means that Sawyer just goes and lives his sad little life? (By the way I have always been a hardcore Kate-Sawyer fan so I was a little peeved when they introduced Juliet and then made her and Sawyer so wonderful that I actually cried when she died and then when they met back up in "limbo"). There are many other questions that will probably never be answered and I'm pretty confident they are ones that even the writers don't know the answers to. I'm still processing, still thinking, and mulling things over. Hopefully you can find peace with it. I also have to say that my favorite characters were probably Sun and Gin and Sawyer, so you can imagine the sobbing bonanza that went on when Sun and Gin died (probably pissed me off the most). Luckily Sawyer lived (yay!) but, like I said, what exactly happened to him when they got back? Did he just become the friend who would hang out with Kate, Claire, Aaron and Gin and Sun's daughter? Or did he just fade into his past? Or, possibly, did he seek out his daughter and make right with the mother? One other thing that bugged me was, where was Desmond's kid in that little limbo scene? Agh! There are just so many things to try to puzzle and figure out! I think I just need to let it go.

Anyways real quick, Marissa's Monday Must Haves:

I've decided to do thanksgiving themed items for this week for obvious reasons.

1. 7- layer cookies. While technically this is a favorite around here during Christmas, we love to make them during every available holiday!

2. Bread! I have the HUGEST bread fetish. Seriously, when I was little my parents used to call me the bread baby. Fortunately Thanksgiving around her is basically the bread holiday. A couple of my favorites include brioche, french bread, and baguettes.

3. Pie! Specifically chocolate. There is nothing so wonderful as chocolate pie.

4. Martinelli's Sparkling Apple Cider. Not being old enough to drink, this is a great substitute and it's healthy! (kind of..)

5. And finally whipped cream. Regardless of its use during Thanksgiving, it is, by far, one of the best food items ever created.

French word of the day: alimentaire which means food.

Au Revoir!

"Elegance does not consist in putting on a new dress."- Coca Chanel

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