Saturday, April 16, 2011

Color Guard

Demain, je vais à une pratique de six heures de garde à long couleur que je suis sûr que va me tuer. Je ne suis pas une personne particulièrement fort physiquement et je suis connu pour des ecchymoses plus facilement que d'une pêche. J'ai joué sport toute ma vie, mais cette année, en raison d'une blessure à l'épaule j'ai eu à jouer au tennis, je ne joue pas tous les sports, qui, croyez-moi, est extrêmement bizarre pour moi, après avoir pratiqué des sports depuis que je pouvais marcher. Espérons que ce sera amusant et je vais poster sur le sujet demain.

Tomorrow, I'm going to a six-hour long color guard practice that I'm pretty sure is going to kill me. I'm not an especially physically strong person and I'm known for bruising easier than a peach. I've played sports all my life but this past year, because of a shoulder injury I got playing tennis, I didn't play any sports, which, trust me, is extremely weird for me, having played sports since I could walk. Hopefully it will be fun and I'll be posting about it tomorrow.

Finally here is my jewelry post. Yay! Below are some of  my favorite pieces of jewelry. I hope you enjoy it!

Princess's Diana's Ring
I was too young to really understand the true horror of Princess Diana's death, but through reading about her and growing up with my mother (who like most of the world, utterly adored her) I have come to learn about what a fantastic woman she was. This ring, which was and still is an iconic piece of jewelry, seems to impart all of her elegance and beauty into one small package.

Princess Diana's Love Knot Crown
Another piece of jewelry that was an iconic representation of her was the crystal love knot crown . My mom, who collects crowns, actually has a replica of this one. It's gorgeous and I just love everything about it. Here is a picture of her wearing it.

Here is a set of all Chanel related jewelry that I might someday have the money to buy!

Louis Vuitton
Louis Vuitton's new jewelry collection, L'ame Du Voyage, shows some of the most beautiful and extravagant pieces of jewelry I have ever seen. Below are my favorites from the line, although there are several missing, since I couldn't find shots of them to post but you may view them here:

The rest of these are not big name designer pieces, but just as gorgeous.

There is a much longer list of jewelry that I like, but for now I think that's all I will post. While I was perusing jewelry websites I found a picture of Halle Berry wearing another piece from Elie Saab's 2011 Spring Couture collection. I love it!

There are also several engagement rings that I found that I absolutely love but I'm going to save them for my wedding post which will be posted on Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding day; Friday, April 29th. Make sure to check that out!

French word of the day: Bijoux which is the French word for jewelry.

Au Revoir!

"Happiness is the secret to all beauty; there is no beauty that is attractive without happiness." - Christian Dior.


  1. Please help! That picture you posted of the gold and diamond ring...please tell me who the designer is or where I can get one!

    1. Hi there! I'm so sorry I am just now getting back to you. I have been MIA from this blog for a while and just recently have been trying to post again. Are you talking about the rose ring? If so, I apologize, but I was unable to find the image again. I was able to find these very similar rings though if you would like to check out these links.

      This is a ring by Piaget:

      This is a slightly different ring in silver also by Piaget:

      This is from the Dazzling Rock Collection:

      And here is another one by the Mai Jewelry Shop:

      Again, sorry for the delay and I hope this was helpful!

