Sunday, April 10, 2011

Home Sweet Home

J'ai donc fait rentré mercredi de notre voyage et de décider de prendre les deux derniers jours pour se détendre et de s'installer en j'ai été la compilation de mon poste de bijoux et je pense réellement de faire partie d'un poste vidéo pour vous montrer pages à partir d'une question de Vogue j'ai ramassé aux frontières qui est rempli d'articles de bijouterie seulement liée et de photos. C'est en italien, mais dans le dos ils ont écrit une version anglaise de chaque article tout au long, qui a été grandement appréciée!

So I actually got back Wednesday from our trip and decided to take the past couple of days to relax and settle in. I've been compiling my jewelry post and I'm actually thinking of making part of it a video post to show you guys pages from an issue of Vogue I picked up at Borders that is filled with only jewelry related articles and pictures. It's in Italian but in the back they wrote an English version of every article throughout, which was greatly appreciated!

Unfortunately, my plan to order French Vogue in the hopes of learning French as well as learning about fashion from the French point of view, is absolutely not happening. I got on their website, and after much translating, finally figured out that it would cost me $110 for one year or ten issues of French Vogue. $110! That's $11 an issue! Because of the shipping costs it would be totally unreasonable of me to put that much money towards a magazine, regardless of how much I want it.

On a happier note, here is another line from the spring runway that I enjoyed. After seeing Elie Saab's 2011 spring couture line, (Which was fantastic! You can view my post on it and every picture from the line by clicking here.), I had to see what his spring RTW would look like. Below are some of my favorite pieces.

There were definitely some very identifiable similarities between this line and his spring couture line, but, regardless, it was still a great line. I loved the colors and the shapes, especially the common thigh-high slit featured on several pieces. I can't wait to see what he turns out next!

French word of the day: Maison which is French for home.

Au Revoir!

"Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society." - Mark Twain.

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