Friday, April 22, 2011

It's Friday...Again

Je pensais simplement que nous, les humains sont à jamais vivant dans l'attente du moment suivant. Il est rare que je sens que nous pensons à la façon dont nous sommes chanceux de vivre dans le présent. J'ai toujours blâmer l'école pour rendre la vie prennent une éternité à passer aux choses amusantes, mais j'ai réalisé que si je ne me suis vraiment investir dans celles qui sont spécifiques "fun" moments, la vie vous sentirez encore plus court qu'il ne l'est déjà. Ralentissez et profitez.

I was just thinking how as humans we are forever living in anticipation of the next moment. Rarely do I feel that we think about how lucky we are to be living in the now. I always blame school for making life take forever to get to the fun stuff, but I realized that if I only really invest myself in those specific "fun" moments, life will feel even shorter than it already is. Slow down and enjoy.

Wedding Item of the Day:
I'm not usually a fan of orange-esq flowers but I actually really loved this bouquet. It would be beautiful for a Spring or Summer wedding.

My Friday has been absolutely fabulous and I hope yours has been too. I might be too busy to post this weekend so here's an early Happy Easter! to everyone and a cute little video to help brighten your day.

French word of the day: Gentillesse, which is French for kindness.

Au Revoir!

"I think perfection is ugly. Somewhere in the things humans make, I want to see scars, failure, disorder, distortion." - Yohji Yamamoto.

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