Monday, April 25, 2011

Star Wars

J'espère que tout le monde avait un week-end fantastique de Pâques. Samedi nous sommes allés et ont visité l'exposition Star Wars. C'était vraiment cool, mais je n'ai pas pu l'apprécier pleinement car je n'ai jamais vu les films. Si vous avez Je recommanderais certainement faire un voyage pour le voir. Nous avons mangé à moins P.F. Chang (un excellent restaurant chinois), puis avait dessert au Cheesecake Factory. J'ai tendance à taux de ma journée sur ce que j'ai mangé (sans doute pas en bonne santé) pour samedi a été formidable! Dimanche, nous n'avons pas fait beaucoup, mais nous ne jouissent simplement assis en famille et regarder des films ensemble.

I hope everyone had a fantastic Easter weekend. Saturday we went and visited the Star Wars exhibit. It was really cool but I couldn't fully appreciate it since I've never seen the movies. If you have I would definitely recommend taking a trip to see it. We ate out at P.F. Chang's (a fantastic Chinese restaurant) and then had dessert at Cheesecake Factory. I tend to rate my day on what I ate (probably not healthy) so Saturday was great! Sunday we didn't do much but we did enjoy just sitting around as a family and watching movies together.

Monday Favorites this week are my favorite Easter candies!

1. Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs

2. Dove Chocolate Eggs

3. Lindt Chocolate Bunny

4. Cadbury Mini Eggs

5. See's Chocolate Butter Cream Egg

Wedding Item of the Day:
This table setting is clean and beautiful. I love the contrast of colors and the gorgeous outdoors' lighting.

French word of the day: Rouge which is French for the word red.

Au Revoir!

"Common sense is genius dressed in its working clothes." - Ralph Waldo Emerson.

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