Sunday, April 3, 2011

Spring Break!

Salut tout le monde, alors les vacances de printemps est enfin arrivé et je suis le dépenser dans l'Oregon avec mes grands-parents. J'adore venir ici. Ils vivent à côté d'une rivière et en été, nous allons faire du kayak. Il fait trop froid maintenant, mais peut-être cet été, nous allons à nouveau. Leur maison est absolument magnifique et je me sens toujours si paisible alors que je suis ici. Ils ont utilisé de posséder un vignoble en Californie qui a été tout simplement magnifique, mais ils ont déménagé il ya quelques années, le droit que je voulais en venir assez vieux pour commencer à l'itinérance sur le mien. J'ai utilisé pour aider à la cueillette des raisins en été et en bouteille le vin. J'ai vraiment me manquer, je m'ennuie de la Californie et la chaleur et la proximité de l'océan qui n'est pas des pluies et dégoûtant tout le temps. J'espère que tout le monde est d'avoir une grande rupture (si vous êtes en ce moment) et que vous avez trouvé le passer avec les gens que vous aimez.

Hi everyone, so spring break is finally here and I'm spending it in Oregon with my grandparents. I love coming here. They live next to a river and in the summer we go kayaking. It's too cold now but maybe this summer we'll go again. Their house is absolutely beautiful and I always feel so peaceful while I'm down here. They used to own a vineyard in California that was simply gorgeous but they moved a couple years ago, right as I was getting old enough to start roaming it on my own. I used to help pick the grapes in the summer and bottle the wine. I really miss it, I miss California and the heat and being near an ocean that is not rainy and disgusting all the time.  I hope everyone is having a great break (if you are on right now) and that you are getting to spend it with the people you love.

I have AWESOME news. Someone, anonymously, donated $140 to my band account to help me go to Victoria, Canada (I'm part of the color guard). I only owe $30 now and since I'm still working Sounder's games I will be able to fundraise all of my food money too! I'm so excited and I can't believe someone donated that much money to my account just so I could go, but I'm so grateful!

I'm currently working on getting my jewelry post up and running so that should be ready to go in about a week or two. I may or may not be posting the next couple of days since I'm on vacation.

I just finished watching a truly horrible movie called Fearless with Jeff Bridges. There is a scene depicting a plane crash which got me sobbing. I hate, hate, hate plane crash movies. I'm going on my first plane ever this summer and I don't need any of that crap. My opinion? Don't watch it.

I'm gonna go and relax, maybe watch some food network since we don't get that anymore up at our house.

French Word of the Day: Les vacances which means vacation in French.

Au Revoir!

"Just around the corner in every woman's mind - is a lovely dress, a wonderful suit, or entire costume which will make an enchanting new creature of her." - Wilhela Cushman.

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