Monday, November 1, 2010


Hello and welcome to my blog: French, Food, Fashion. Here we will talk about the intrigue of fashion, the joy of food, and the beauty of life. All while working towards becoming fluent in French, one day at a time. My personal goal is to be fluent, as best as I can be without living in a French speaking ocuntry, by the end of the year. 365 days of posting in French. Without the aid of an online translator, I will piece together each post through dictionaries and other books and only after I've submitted my post in French will I then translate it into English for those of us who don't know French or are still learning! I am indeed learning and welcome any critiques on my french that will help me become better learned in the language. I will be starting my challenge on January 1st, 2011 and will end it December 31st, 2011. Until then I will be setting up this blog and posting in english! And to those of you out there listening, thanks for tuning in.

Au Revoir!

"Fashions fade, style is eternal."- Yves Saint Laurent

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