Saturday, November 6, 2010

Ahhh... Fridays...

I'm getting in late tonight because my family and I went out to dinner and then went to see Megamind, the most recent DreamWorks production. It was absolutely fantastic!! It was, without a doubt, one of the funniest movies I have seen in a very long time! I'm definitely going to try to go see it again with some friends. The music was great and the 3D effects, which usually bother me, were actually very nicely used in this movie. Definitely go see it if you have the chance!

Also, for those of you who don't know, the first part of the seventh Harry Potter movie comes out at midnight on the eighteenth of this month (12 days from now!) and I will definitely be attending! Harry Potter is something that is such a huge phenomenon that I don't really think that people who are growing up with it right now can really understand how big it is. I think twenty years from now we will look back on it and realize that our children and our children's children will never experience something like Harry Potter, which is truly sad. Harry Potter is, yes, a fictional character, but he represents goodness, love, and happiness. He has become a world- known symbol and there is rarely a person you will find who does not know what Harry Potter is. J.K. Rowling has really accomplished something in that, on top of which she has sold more books than any other author in the history of . . . . well, forever, with the exception of the bible, and it all began with an idle thought about a small, twelve year old boy, while on a train in London.

French class was a little .  . . unsettling, I guess? We were watching a french video (really just a tutorial in the form of a soap opera) and I was realizing how little I could understand from what they were saying. The whole point of the video is to target what chapter in the french workbook we are working on and I didn't recognize anything, barely even basic words. Rather disappointing after having been in french for two years, (though I know that's not a lot, I still shouldn't be feeling like it's my first day of french). It was just a weird day. I'm hoping that I was just having a brain dead moment and will feel more on track come Monday.

Speaking of Mondays, I am currently compiling lists of items that I'm going to begin blogging about, titled under; Marissa's Must Haves. I am very excited about that so hopefully it will go over well!

I've finished one of my neighbor's shirts and now have only the jeans and the other shirt to finish and then I will be done with my first ever semi-legitimate sewing job. Yay!

I hope everyone and anyone out there is having a wonderful Friday.

Au Revoir!

"Elegance is a question of personality, more than one's clothing."- Jean-Paul Gaultier

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