Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Spa Day

J'avais un fantastique jour hier! Ma mère et moi sommes allés et avait un grand jour ensemble et est alors allé à homage rouge et finis un nuit avec Baskin Robbins glacée. Nous avons allons à le Valley Athletics  club station thermale et j'ai reçues une faciale, un sourcil épilation à la cire (d'apprivoiser mon indisciplinés chenilles), et mani/pedi. Il était très détente et très merveilleux. Mes ongles comparer bon et j'ai reçues un petit cerise orteil anneau qui est très joli. Une faciale a été un peu rugueux mais un sourcil épilation à la cire n'a pas été ce mauvais. Il a été rapide et maintenant mon sourcils ont un belle arc et ne plus pas ressembler qui chose vivante sous une roche.

I had a fantastic day yesterday! My mom and I went and had a spa day together and then went to Red Lobster and finished the night with Baskin Robbins ice cream. We went to the Valley Athletics club spa and I got a facial, an eyebrow waxing (to tame my unruly caterpillars), and mani/pedi. It was very relaxing and very wonderful. My nails look great and I got a little cherry toe ring that is really cute. The facial was a little rough but the eyebrow waxing wasn't that bad. It was pretty quick and now my eyebrows have a beautiful arch and no longer resemble that thing living under a rock.

At Red Lobster I had my usual steak and scampi and we also ordered the lobster pizza appetizer which was really good. The manicurist that I had was one of the nicest people I've ever met. She was really interesting and actually reminded me of myself a little because she is really into traveling and a bit of a thrill-seeker. I really enjoyed talking to her, although, because of yesterday (will explain in a minute), I could barely talk and when I laughed at something it sounded slightly better than a dying cat. The reason my voice is going is because on Sunday on our daily walk I decided to run a lap, walk a lap, run a lap, etc. and ended up doing five miles, 20 laps, running 10 of those. A piece of advice; never attempt to all of a sudden do five miles when up until then you had been doing nothing of the sort.

There is something so wonderful about running that is hard to describe. It's like buying shoes (technically a bad analogy since I shouldn't be encouraging the purchase of expensive footwear in this economy but . . .). At first you're really excited about them, thinking how great they look on you and what you'll wear them with, and then you look at the price tag. If you're anything like me your taste far exceeds your budget. But then once their bought, you feel great, and can't wait to flaunt them later. Similarly with running, at first you're all pumped up about it. 'Yeah! I'm going to get in great shape and just keep running!' And then you start and after about twenty seconds you want to trip yourself just so you can lie down. But then once you're done with that lap or that half a lap or that mile you feel great. (If you're confused on the similarity between the two, trust me it works).

While running I find that your mind is set free. It wanders around while you run and really gets the brain working. I find that I end up thinking of the most creative things when I'm running or just about to go to sleep. The problem is, because you're about to drift off into la-la land, or in the middle of nowhere running your guts out, you don't really have time to stop and write down whatever you were thinking so that by the time you make it back to the car or wake up the next morning the idea has blurred in your mind, lost it's definition.

Today I woke up and felt awful. My throat burned and my head was heavy. I went to school anyways but the very, very, bad news is; if my throat does not improve immensely by tomorrow I will be unable to compete for DECA since the judge will be unable to hear/understand me. Not to mention that in my actual marketing class the project we are working on is slowly deteriorating. My partner and I have to come up with a hypothetical ad campaign for a local business ( a lot like I did last year for competition) but we actually have to call the business and go talk to them. Every single business we have contacted has been unable to work with us or wouldn't be able to help us before our deadline. As it turns out our deadline to get a company has already past and the irony is if we had stuck with the first one we might have a company by now. Our most recent one finally got back to us after waiting for four days only to tell us that they can't do it. I'm sorry but if you're answer is going to be no why not tell me on the spot rather than making me wait? My teacher says that she has a friend who runs her own company that we can use so hopefully that works out.

I've got to get some sleep if I have any hope of competing tomorrow.

French word of the day: malade which means sick. . .

Au Revoir!

"The dress must follow the body of a woman, not the body following the shape of the dress." - Hubert de Givenchy.

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