Thursday, January 6, 2011

The After-Math of Christmas. . .

Maintenant que j'ai bon quelques-uns des jours à récupérer de Noël folie je suis retour et essayer à faites face avec ce défi j'ai décidé à prends sur. J'espère tout le monde avait un fabuleux Noël, je certainement n'a. Chance pour moi, ma famille sait moi très bien, et j'ai été bombardés avec des talons hauts, vêtements, etc., et peut-être mon favori; un station thermale jour avec ma mère (nous sommes très proche). L'un des articles les plus chers que j'ai obtenu était un manteau de laine. Je effectivement, techniquement reçues deux, mais c'est pace que j'étais allé au centre commercial avec ma mère et puis mon père et ils deux avait obentu le mateau que j'avais gravitait vers ce jour-là. Alors j'ai ouvert l'un d'eux et puis avait à décider entre les deux. J'ai fini par aller avec la un je l'origine voulu. C'est une rose manteau en laine par Guess, c'est croisé et a boutons dorés militaire. J'adore et je serait mettre une image de celui-ce que j'ai trouvé en ligne (mon ordinateur est agit en place alors je ne peux pas mettre une image de moi) mais une image fait ressembler à un morceau vraiment horrible de vêtements alors j'ai décidé de ne pas. L'ecole a commencé à nouveau aujourd'hui (ugh) et ma soeur est se réjouissaient de la semaine supplémentaire elle descend (le petit gosse). Je suis prierque les deux prochaines mois volée par.

Now that I've had a good couple of days to recover from the Christmas madness I'm back and trying to cope with this challenge I've decided to take on. I hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas, I certainly did. Lucky for me, my family knows me extremely well, and I was bombarded with shoes, clothing, etc., and possibly my favorite; a spa day and dinner with my mom (we're really close). One of the more expensive items I got was a wool coat. I actually, technically got two, but that's because I had gone to the mall with my mother and then my father and they both had gotten the coat that I had gravitated towards that day. So I opened one of them and then had to decide between the two. I ended up going with the one I originally wanted. It's a pink wool coat by Guess, it's double-breasted and has golden military buttons. I love it and I would post a picture I found of it online (my computer is acting up so I can't post a picture of myself in it) but the photo makes it look like a truly horrid piece of clothing so I decided not to. School started again today (ugh) and my sister is gloating about the extra week she gets off (the little brat). I'm praying that the next couple of months fly by.

Back to the challenge, I've just come to realize how truly difficult this challenge is going to be. I am totally unprepared for this so forgive me if I completely butcher the language and also if my posts become more and more infrequent. It takes more than double the time to post now because I have to rewrite it in french so I'm having a hard time fitting that into my schedule. Today concludes the sixth day of the new year and my new year's resolution is to be happy. That might sound like a sad excuse for a resolution but I think that it is the most basic and most important resolution that can be made and influences every other potential resolution I might have made for this year. I'm very excited for my sophomore year to end and my junior year to begin and I think this is going to be a great year!

Monday Favorites today (from, let's see three days ago? Whoops.) are going to be quick. They are all bath related products that I really love and hopefully you will too:

1. Bath and Body Works warm vanilla sugar bubble bath. This bubble bath always puts me in a good mood. It smells great and produces a good amount of bubbles especially when used with my favorite item number 3, listed below. For best results I suggest using about three cap-fulls of the solution.

2. Garnier Fructis shampoo and conditioner sleek and shine. This was recommended to me by my mother's stylist who said that it would work great for my hair, which can sometimes be frizzy. I think it's working pretty well but there are times when I find that it makes my hair overly oily or frizzy. Might be how I am using it or the way I dry my hair but I'm planning on looking into it a little more.

3. Bubble bath jet. I have one of these and it works great. It produces about twice as many bubbles as it normally would.

4. A bath pillow. A good one of these will make a bath much more relaxing. You'll want to get one with suction cups so that it will stick to your tub and not move around on you when you're trying to relax. You'll also want one that has a cushion that wraps most of the way around so that the hard plastic is not cutting into your neck when you lay down.

5. Victoria's Secret Shimmer lotion in Very Sexy. This lotion works great and smells awesome. It is a holiday special and is now on clearance so if  you want some I advise running out soon.

Also there is a new shampoo I'm thinking of using but I wanted to know if anyone had any insight on it. I don't want to spend the money if it is not a good product. The specific one that I am looking at is called Organix Shampoo Pomegranate Green Tea (Revitalizing). If you have any input, that would be great. Thanks!

Also you may have noticed that I only wrote the first paragraph of this post in french and that is because if I were to rewrite this ENTIRE post in french you as the reader would want to shoot me and I would happily let you. I've decided that I will only being doing the first paragraph per post, at least until I can get my head wrapped around this thing.

Better go. I've got chemistry to study for (bleh!)

French word of the day: le bain which means the bath.

Au revoir!

"Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn."- Gore Vidal.

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