Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Les finales sont à venir jusqu'à pour moi et je suis stresser! J'ai une finale de chimie que je connais va me tuer, j'ai essayé de préparer pour mon Algèbre 2 finale et je ne peux pas rappelez-vous rien du passé six mois, j'ai concurrence de l'État prochaine mois, un test d'ions en chimie aujourd'hui et un français finale dont je suis également prendre aujourd'hui.

Finals are coming up for me and I am stressing out! I've got a chemistry final that I know is going to kill me, I've been trying to prepare for my Algebra 2 final and I can't remember anything from the past six months, I've got state competition next month, an ions test in chemistry today and a french final which I am also taking today.

So. . . (I wrote the above part this morning and have therfore already taken my two tests today) I got thirty out of thirty on my chem. retake and then got nine out of ten on the extra credit ions test (which I missed last week since I was sick). It was dumb because I forgot to put the 2- on the ion formula for sulfite. Still though that's an A+ and nine extra credit poitns, I'll take it. The french test was fairly easy and I get to finish it tomorrow so I'm looking up anything I didn't get although there is still some stuff that I will probably not get because it involved in class listening to a recording, which I could not understand. In a french class you would think that on the recordings they would use a woman you could understand rather than one who speaks french like the average french person and slurs it all together. I bet when they are teaching English they don't use someone who speaks it like I do because they wouldn 't be able to understand me, at least not in their second year of language.

I took a break from studying my ions last night to check out borders website for cook books (who by the way is supposedly going out of business so if you have gift cards, borders bucks, etc., I advise spending them soon). I also checked out Barnes and Noble, whose website, in my opinion, is much more accessible than Borders. Anyways, everytime I go some where to look for cookbooks I always end up collecting a large pile of baking books. I'm just drawn to the colorful pictures and the beautiful confections of sugar on their covers. Below are some that I've found that I like (yes I am judging them by their cover), simply for the look and the reviews that they have gotten. Hopefully when I get a little more cash I will be able to go out and experiment with them.

Cupcakes and Say It With A Cupcake by Susannah Blake: Just look at the covers! The posh cupcakes, and the gorgeous little flowers on the right and the cute dainty ones on the left. This is one that I'm really looking forward to buying.

Hello, Cupcake! by Karen Tack and Alan Richardson: This one is very creative. Non-traditional cupcakes but they appear to be done really well. This is one of the books that has the highest ratings on various websites. On amazon the lowest rating was three stars, and for the most part people only rated it that because they were disappointed with the actual cupcake recipe, not the decorating aspect of the book. I personally never make  stuff like that from scratch, unless that's the reason I'm making it. If I'm going for cool decoration than I make the box mix (which is perfectly good) and then focus my energy on the decoration. These pictures seem really cute and the five star reviews all rave about how easy and how wonderful everything turns out.

Sweet and Simple Party Cakes by May Clee Cadman: The problem I have found with cake books is that I'm always drawn to the ones that require fondant, which doesn't particularly taste good if you can't afford the good kind, and is difficult to work with. But the reviewers of this book claim that it is a great beginner's book and that it made using fondant extremely easy.

Also by May Clee Cadman, Cakes for Romantic Occassions: Similar to the other one, it is getting   great reviews, and just look at the beautiful cake on the cover!

Tomorrow I will be posting some great looking chocolate books that I've found online. I think I might pick up one of these cake books next week and start experimenting!

French word of the day: Gâteau which means cake.

Au Revoir!

"Fashion is made to become unfashionable." - Coco Chanel.

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