Thursday, January 13, 2011

Marketing, Monday Favorites, and Monotony

L'année dernière, je me suis joint au club de mon école DECA (DECA est un national de commercialisation et d'association d'affaires conçu pour aider les jeunes entrepreneurs en herbe apprennent à devenir plus expérimentés dans les affaires). Quoi qu'il en soit, l'année dernière, j'ai participé à la compétition où j'ai participé à l'épreuve de simple de commercialisation de la mode. J'ai créé un plan de promotion pour un magasin et a dû le créer dans pas moins de onze pages, puis il a présenté à une rangée de juges pour une quinzaine de minutes. Après que je devais passer un test de marketing de niveau collégial (100 questions en une heure) et puis juste attendre de voir comment j'ai fait. J'ai reçu la première place régionale et a 100 solide sur ma présentation (quelque chose que mon professeur avait jamais arrivé avant). Je suis allé à l'état où j'ai placé 7e de plus d'une centaine de personnes également en compétition dans ma catégorie.

Last year I joined my school's DECA club (DECA is a national marketing and business association designed to help young aspiring entrepreneurs learn to become more experienced in business). Anyways, last year I participated in competition where I competed in the singles event for Fashion Merchandising. I created a promotional plan for a local store and had to create it in no less than eleven pages and then present it to a row of judges for about fifteen minutes. After that I had to take a college level marketing exam (100 questions in an hour) and then just wait to see how I did. I received first place regionally and got a solid 100 on my presentation (something my teacher had never have happened before). I then went to state where I placed 7th out of over a hundred people also competing in my category.

This year I will be competing in the individual series for automotive services marketing. This year instead of doing a written event I will be doing a role play which consists of going in, reading a business scenario, and presenting it to a judge (after getting ten minutes to read it and come up with a plan) who is pretending to be your boss, manager, etc.. You have about five minutes to present and then you leave. The problem with role plays, is they are very unpredictable, and there are a LOT of people competing in them. With the written event you have about two months to prepare and you know what you're talking about. You have time to research, double check things, etc.. With the role play you just kind of have to do it by the seat of your pants. Hopefully I'll do well this year, I've never done a role play before so I'm a little nervous! If you want to read more about it, here is the website: DECA

This weekend has been pretty boring. I'm trying to decide on a new haircut. If you have any suggestions please feel free to comment!

In class we've begun reading Lord of the Flies, which I'll admit, I thought was a joke book, written after Lord of the Rings. Surprise, surprise! It isn't. It's an odd book about a group of boys who are stranded on an island after a plane crash. I don't really dislike it or like it at this point, since I'm only two chapters in, but so far it's been . . . odd and it actually reminds me of the TV show Lost. I'm also reading a book called: The Year We Disappeared. It's really good, and surprisingly, non-fiction. This is perhaps the first non-fiction book I have ever found that I actually enjoy.

Monday favorites this week were my favorite quotes:

1. "Life isn't about how many breaths you take but about the moments that take your breath away." - Hilary Cooper.

2. "All is fair in love and war." - Francis Edward Smedley.

3. "Curiosity is a willing, a proud, an eager confession of ignorance." - S. Leonard Rubinsteing, quoted from; Writing: A Habit of Mind.

4. "Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today."- James Dean.

5. "You put high heels on and you change." - Manolo Blahnik.

6. “Desserts are like mistresses. They are bad for you. So if you are having one, you might as well have two.”- Chef Alain Ducasse

I hope everyone had a great day today! We had a two hour late start due to the snow (yay!) and I took advantage of that by sleeping! I had a pretty bad nightmare, unfortunately, so the extra two hours only prolonged that but, oh well, my personal opinion is it's better to have some nightmares than to never dream at all.

French word of the day: livre which means book.

Au Revoir!

"Happy, happy fashion- there is not much more to it than that."- Marc Jacobs.

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