Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December at last!

Happy December 1st everybody! Today I've started a new schedule for myself. My family and I are preparing for a trip next summer and it requires a lot of walking, therefore we have decided that starting now I have to hang out at my school (for an HOUR!) and then when everyone can get to my school, we go walking. I will be running and then heading home to ride on our mechanical bike before doing my leg workout video (I will be talking about that in next week's Monday must haves), homework, blog, shower, and then yoga. Hopefully by being more structured like this I will be able to fit everything I want to in as long as I get through things fast and efficiently. We'll see how it goes.

Anyways, it's that time of year when it seems there are a million birthdays to celebrate. Three of my good friends just had their birthdays, one of which was yesterday. If you're reading this right now, Happy Birthday! I know that the holiday seasons are also just about upon us so within the next week or so I will be posting some wonderful (but cheap!) gifts to look/ make for your loved ones this year. I know that the economic times are hard right now and you shouldn't have to feel guilty for not being able to buy expensive gifts for people.

Something that's putting me off the holiday mood a little bit is that this year, because of our three wild but irresistibly cute kittens, we can not get a Christmas tree, something that is very important to me. One of my favorite things about the Christmas season is picking out that tree and decorating it with my family. Every year we would congregate in the living room and decorate, with our hundreds of ornaments, together and this year we won't get to do it. There are almost no decorations set up inside because of the cats and now that the snow has evaporated it just doesn't feel like Christmas yet.

I've been reading into this whole airport security frenzy that's been going on. I've gone from not caring, to feeling really irritated, to accepting, to being mad again. I usually could care less if it concerns airport safety. I am usually okay with whatever they want to do at airports in order to keep U.S citizens safe but this is going too far. Not to mention the health effects that this could have on people, (though they claim there are none). To me, any radiation is bad radiation. While it may not have a significant effect alone, combined with other outside forces it could really cause some serious health issues. On top of that there are thousands of people that this is going to negatively effect; rape victims, war veterans who have metal plates in their bodies, etc. . If for some reason these people cannot go through this machine then they are viciously patted down. It has become more than the light patting and is, in fact, very invasive. I found an article about a poor older man and his experience with this new line of airport security.

I have personally never been on a plane and this summer will be my first time, my brother's as well, and I don't want to have the beginning of our vacation ruined by a horrendous pat down in the middle of the airport.

On a totally different note, I have finally had time to start looking at some more of the fashion shows. I've made my way into the D's (designer's name alphabetically), and have begun to really enjoy what the spring has to offer! My favorites have been Dolce and Gabbana as well as their D&G line. Both their lines were beautiful, although I think I liked the Dolce and Gabbana one better. It had lots of corsets and while the color palette was basically just black and white, I thought that there was enough detail and imagination that it never once got boring!

Better go. I've got a horrendous math test to study for tomorrow.

French word of the day: l'aéroport which means airport.

Au Revoir!

"It's (fashion) really too close to the quick of the soul." -Stella Blum.

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