Sunday, December 19, 2010

Makeover, Inside and Out

So, six days ago (by the way I've gotten on here everyday for the past week and rewritten this same sentence over and over again) was Monday faves and I had no time to get on so I'll post them real quick and then get to everything else. I've decided I would like to do things related to your overall "look". These items will vary from make-up products to exercise videos to self-help facts. I'm also trying to set up a video blog but that would require a lot more time and effort than I think I can expend right now, especially with finals coming up soon but maybe tomorrow I can post one to help show how to apply some of the products that I've selected. We'll see.

1. My first piece is L'oreal volume shocking mascara, and Maybelline stiletto mascara in black. I don't actually like the stick they use for the L'oreal black side so when applying these two you have to use both products. First you're going to want to run a tissue lightly over your eyelashes. This helps you get rid of any excess moisture that might cause your mascara to clump. Then, using the white side of the L'oreal mascara, apply lightly over the upper and bottom eye lashes, sliding back and forth from top to bottom. Next, use the Maybelline mascara to apply over the top of the white mascara, applying it in a similar fashion. This works great for me and makes my eyelashes look about 50% longer!

2. This eye shadow is listed as: beach, plum and it is a clinique product that you can find at Macy's. I have blue eyes and I know that this particular shade is usually recommended for brown eyes but it looks fantastic with blue eyes as well. I apply the purple to the lids and use the brown (which has a slight golden tint) up near my eyebrows.

3. My third item is a workout video for you legs. It's part of cosmopolitan's tonetics series and it's the one for hips and thighs. This is, by far, the best leg workout video I have found. My legs were shaking by the time I was done with this video and I saw real results within about 1-2 weeks of doing it about every other day.

4. Apples. This wonderful fruit is high in fiber, naturally sweet, and low in calories. They make you feel good which motivates you to lead a happier life.

5. Music. It's amazing how music can make you feel. I found that listening to it between classes made me feel about ten times better than I did. I suggest creating a playlist on your ipod/ itouch/ etc. of your favorite songs that you can listen to in your car, while walking somewhere, etc. because it really does improve your mood.

This past weekend I went to the mall and picked up Christmas presents for my family and then bought a new top and shawl for myself (see to the right and the left). What I love and what I hate about Charlotte Russe is that they don't let you know when they're going to have sales because they don't find out themselves until a little thing comes in their email that day. What's nice about that, is then if you happen to walk in that day, you're excited by all the 50% off signs that adorn the store. What's not so nice about it, is that I'm attacked by this shopping high that demands that since everything is so cheap I need to get every single thing I happen to have a momentary whim for. Speaking of my visit to that store there is something, especially around now, that people need to watch out for and that is.... Charity Traps! Charity Traps, as I call them, are where the cashier doesn't give you enough information, and what might have been a generous gesture on your part, turns into you regretting wanting to help people! That's not how things should be. If the cashier asks if you would like to donate a dollar or so to some charity a lot of people, especially during the holidays, tend to say sure and hand over a dollar. Well if you don't pay close enough attention or ask some questions, the things left unsaid can make you regret having donated. When I was in Charlotte Russe the other day the cashier told me that if I donated a dollar I would receive a ten dollar of coupon next time I purchased something in that store. Thinking this sounded great I said sure and handed her an extra dollar. Then as she was handing me my receipt she pulled out my coupon and stuffed it in the bag. Not until I left the store did I look at the coupon and realize that what it said was: $10 of your next $50 purchase. It may sound selfish that I'm upset about this when the whole point was to make a donation to help others, but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth and makes me wary of donating again. I don't know, I just don't like how they conveniently leave out certain details.

Also last weekend I went to a party of my friends and then was tree selling (cruel irony, I think, given the circumstances) the rest of the day for community service hours. And when I got home, lo and behold, my first issue of Vogue was here! Of course it seems whenever I'm excited about something I get bombarded with chores, so I had to do the dishes, the laundry, and clean my room before I finally got to sit down with it. I think I'll be posting comments on it tomorrow if I have time. I've got another Christmas party today, and another on Tuesday which means I have to bake and clean all day tomorrow and Wednesday if we want to be prepared for my grandparents who are coming the twenty-third. Then there is Christmas eve and then Christmas! With the exception of tomorrow I probably won't be on for about a week so I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

French word of the day: Magasin which means mall/ store.

Au Revoir!

"When in doubt, wear red."- Bill Blass.

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