Thursday, May 26, 2011

Victoria, Canada

Hé les gars, désolé j'ai été MIA pour le passé comme deux semaines, mais maintenant je suis sur le point de tomber raide mort. Je suis si fatigué de cette fin de semaine dernière. Nous avons été à Victoria, Canada, du samedi au lundi et, honnêtement, il n'a pas été le meilleur voyage jamais. J'avais été à Victoria avant avec la bande de notre école quand nous sommes allés au collège, comme cela a été la tradition. Mais étant donné que c'était l'année dernière notre chef d'orchestre de l'école intermédiaire et l'école secondaire, ainsi, a voulu aller une fois de plus.

Hey guys, so sorry I've been MIA for the past like two weeks but right now I'm about ready to drop dead. I'm so tired from this past weekend. We were in Victoria, Canada from Saturday to Monday and, honestly, it was not the best trip ever. I'd been to Victoria before with our school's band when we went in middle school, as was tradition. But since this was our band director's last year the middle school and the high school, together, wanted to go one more time.

I used to play in the percussion section but switched to color guard this year, which was fun. The trip itself was fun but it was stressful. There were too many people and too much drama, so that got a little exhausting. If the trip had maybe been like a five day-long ordeal it probably would have been fine but with five people trying to all do what they wanted to do in a very short amount of time, things just got a little strained. Regardless, the city was still beautiful, the shops lovely, and the docks (my favorite part) wonderful. The people I was rooming with were all friends of mine, which made it fun, and the parades went really well. I think our color guard placed first in the Victoria Day Parade, and came in second, I think, in the other ones. The one part of the trip that was a little sour was right before we left to go perform at the Victoria Day Parade (the one that the high school was performing in on it's own (everyone in the high school learned two routines, songs, etc.) ) Our band director told us that our other band director (the one who was retiring) had decided that to celebrate his last year he wanted us to stay combined and perform the song that we had been performing all weekend in the big parade. So, of course we were going to do it (and if it was anyone else I probably would have been way more upset, but it was my old band director who is just really awesome, so I went along with it) but it was kind of like, so we learned a second routing for nothing? You know? We never got to perform that one, and it just all seemed kind of like a total waste of time to have learned that routine. Anyways, it all was fine, and it did feel right performing my old band director's last parade all together, so I guess maybe we'll find a different place to perform the other routine.

Last week was so stressful. I was throwing a surprise birthday party for a friend of mine who was turning sixteen, and we were all trying to cram in learning the routines for Victoria, my marketing class had it's last big project where I had to promote my company at a trade show, and I was also running for three offices at the same time (which I both got! I am now National Honor's Society president, DECA vice president, and Invisible Children vice president!). I was very, very happy for that week to be done. But now I've still got a research paper to finish, finals coming up, and all the other end of year crap going on before I get to finally relax for summer!

I hope the weather is fantastic wherever you are, it's definitely getting better here.

I have to go but I am happy to announce that I now have a whopping four votes on that food poll and will be making it as soon as the tie is broken.

French word of the day: Le soleil which is French for the sun.

Au Revoir!

"We must never confuse elegance with snobbery." - Yves Saint Laurent.

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