Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Spa Treatments

En classe de marketing, j'ai travaillé sur un projet où nous faisons la promotion d'une société locale à travers une foire commerciale. Tout en essayant de trouver une entreprise que j'ai débattu faire un spa local et il m'a fait penser à mes traitements spa préféré. Par conséquent favoris d'hier lundi sont mes traitements spa préféré:

In Marketing class I've been working on a project where we promote a local company through a trade show. While trying to find a company I debated doing a local spa and it got me thinking about my favorite spa treatments. Therefore yesterday's Monday favorites are my favorite spa treatments:

1. Manicure - I'm not sure what it is, but whenever your nails are looking good, everything you do with those hands just looks better. Whether it's texting, picking up a book, cooking, anything and everything looks better with well manicured nails.

2. Pedicure - If I can afford it I would love to be one of those women who get their nails done every other week or even just once a month. And of course, if you're getting a manicure, you'll need a pedicure to go with it!

3. Facial - This is by far, the most relaxing spa treatment I've ever experienced. If you ever get the chance I highly, highly, recommend going to La Bella Mediqué Spa in Roseburg, Oregon. We were down around there for vacation and it is the most relaxing experience you can get.

4. Massage - I love massages, (all though who doesn't?), especially cause of my issues with my shoulder, it's nice to have all those muscles relaxed.

5. Reflexology - A whole hour spent on your feet? It just doesn't get any better than that.

I have an AP test this week and am going to be getting no sleep and studying my butt of so I will see you all when I come up for air!

French word of the day:  Détendr which is French for relax.

Au Revoir!

"I did not have three thousand pairs of shoes. I had one thousand and sixty." - Imelda Marcos.

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