Friday, May 13, 2011


Commençons, d'abord, actuellement, j'ai reçu pas moins de deux voix sur la vidéo recette toute chose, si personne ne vote, je pense que je pourrais juste non plus de choisir celle que je veux faire, ou de supprimer le tout. Si vous voulez apprendre comment faire une bonne recette via le blog vidéo, s'il vous plaît voter ici: Vote!

First things, first; currently I have received a whopping two votes on the whole recipe video thing, so if no one votes I think I might just either pick the one I want to do, or abolish the whole thing. If you want to learn how to make a great recipe via video blog, please vote here: Vote!

Sorry I didn't really post this week. I couldn't even get on here because blogger was freaking out, saying that we could view our posts but not log in at this time. I finally got on here just now, and want to post quickly before it cuts out again.

I had AP tests yesterday which weren't that bad as everyone was chalking them up to be, but I'm not sure if that's just because I didn't really try, so it wasn't like I was stressed out about anything. I took the AP World test which included 70 multiple choice questions and three essays in four hours. Sucks, any way you look at it, but especially when you don't know what you're talking about. The essays were difficult but not extremely so, but the multiple choice questions were essentially a stab in the dark. We'll get my scores sometime in July, and depending, I might report what I got. Right now I'm just trying to keep under control all of the billions of tasks that seem to never get done and whose deadlines are looming. Therefore, instead of talking about the billions of things I feel like talking about right now, I'm going to get off and work (bleh).

French word of the day: Travail, which is French for work.

Au Revoir!

"A woman's perfume tells more about her than her handwriting." - Christian Dior.

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