Sunday, March 13, 2011

Fall 2011 RTW Continued . . .

J'ai donc décidé que je vais tout simplement commencer par le haut de la liste et me frayer un chemin vers le bas. Pour une semaine ou deux, je serai non-stop annonce sur les collections automne 2011, puis de retour au travail, nous l'espérons avoir assez de temps pour souffler un peu avant de me lancer frappé avec la montre couture. Donc, je vais juste de commencer:

So I've decided that I'm just going to start at the top of the list and work my way down. For a week or two I will be non-stop posting about the Fall 2011 RTW collections and then will hopefully have enough time for a breather before I get hit with the couture shows. So I'm just going to get started:

3.1 Phillip Lim
This line was pretty neutral for me. I didn't love it nor did I hate it.

A. F. Vandevorst
This line I was not a fan of. I had a hard time finding pieces I liked. It was rather half-hazard and random, proving only to be messy to me.

There weren't a lot of pieces in this line but what there was, was nice. I use "nice" because nothing so far has really wowed me but this line was clean and well put together.

This line was really great! I loved the fabrics and the silhouettes and how different each piece was.

A Détacher
I really liked this one. I loved the colors and the structure of the garments, especially.

This line was simple but had a lot of impact. The fabrics and colors were well chosen and the way the garments were constructed was beautifully done.

Alberta Ferretti
I loved this line! There was lace, silk, color, boots! I just really loved this one.

This line was fun but a little repetitive. I liked the fur adorned pieces and the bursts of color.

Alexander McQueen
I love how detail oriented and how well structured this line was. While I felt that this line may have paralleled their past collections a little too closely, it is still a remarkable line and wonderfully presented.

Alexander Wang
This line was well done and very Alexander Wang. I feel that Alexander Wang, McQueen, and Christian Loboutin's products are very identifiable. It's easy to tell when you are in the presence of an Alexander Wang creation, simply by identifying the relaxed elegance that is evident in every one of his pieces.

I have sixteen more people to do before I even get through the A names so those will have to wait until tomorrow. I hope you enjoyed these so far.

My St. Patty's item for today is this adorable little pin that my friend gave me yesterday. I'll definitely be wearing it this Thursday!

French word of the day: La maison which means house.

Au Revoir!

"You sold your soul to the devil when you put on your first pair of Jimmy Choo's, I saw it." - Emily Blunt playing Emily in the Devil Wears Prada.

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