Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Désolé, je n'ai pas de contourner le détachement hier. Je n'avais aucune idée que le bénévolat au match de football allait prendre si longtemps. Nous étions là pour dix heures et je n'ai pas rentrer à la maison jusqu'à 12h30 après avoir quitté l'école à 01h30. Je suis rentré et essentiellement effondré seulement à rappeler que j'ai eu un rapport de laboratoire pour la chimie que je n'avais même pas encore commencé. Donc aujourd'hui je suis en espérant que mon partenaire chimie peut m'aider parce que sinon je suis à défaut de cession, qui peut tout à fait bousiller mes chances de passer cette classe car je ne comprends vraiment pas tout ce que nous avons parlé. En plus de cela, je dois me demander, quand suis-je jamais avoir besoin de connaître la masse atomique du carbone? Jamais. Je veux être un créateur de mode ou de chef. En aucun cas, vais-je besoin de savoir ou l'autre des choses inutiles, je suis d'apprentissage dans la chimie et, devinez quoi, si je le fais, je peux le trouver sur l'Internet. C'est ce que Google est pour!

Sorry I didn't get around to posting yesterday. I had no idea that  volunteering at the soccer game was going to take so long. We were there for ten hours and I didn't get home until 12:30 having left from school at 1:30. I got home and basically collapsed only to remember that I had a lab report for chemistry that I hadn't even started. So today I'm hoping that my chemistry partner can help me because otherwise I'm failing that assignment, which may totally screw up my chances of passing this class since I really don't understand anything that we've been talking about. On top of that I have to ask myself, when am I ever going to need to know the atomic mass of carbon? Never. I want to be a fashion designer or chef. In no way am I going to need to know any of the useless stuff I'm learning in chemistry and, guess what, if I do, I can look it up on the Internet. That's what google is for!

Okay so my goal today is to finish up the A named designers, and possibly get into the B's so let's get started.

Antonio Marras
I thought this line was original and very pretty. I loved the silhouettes.

What was weird was that I didn't dislike this show, I just only liked one piece.

This line was okay. I'm really tired today, so unless something is FANTASTIC, then it's kind of making me glaze over. I liked the ideas of the garment and the fabrics, as well as the almost russian-esque look but I just can't concentrate on it.

I was not a fan of this line. The problem is, when the background and lighting is distracting it is hard to focus on the clothes. I may have appreciated these more in a better setting.

I loved this line! I posted all the pictures from this collection because I couldn't pick just a few. Some of  the pieces are pretty different from what I usually am attracted too but I just loved how great everything was that I had to post them all!

That concludes the A's and I have homework to be doing so I'll start the B's tomorrow.

St. Patrick's Day item of the day: The traditional leprechaun hat.

French word of the day: Un cochon which is french for pig.

Au Revoir!

"If you are not in fashion, you are nobody." - Lord Chesterfield.

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