Thursday, May 26, 2011

Victoria, Canada

Hé les gars, désolé j'ai été MIA pour le passé comme deux semaines, mais maintenant je suis sur le point de tomber raide mort. Je suis si fatigué de cette fin de semaine dernière. Nous avons été à Victoria, Canada, du samedi au lundi et, honnêtement, il n'a pas été le meilleur voyage jamais. J'avais été à Victoria avant avec la bande de notre école quand nous sommes allés au collège, comme cela a été la tradition. Mais étant donné que c'était l'année dernière notre chef d'orchestre de l'école intermédiaire et l'école secondaire, ainsi, a voulu aller une fois de plus.

Hey guys, so sorry I've been MIA for the past like two weeks but right now I'm about ready to drop dead. I'm so tired from this past weekend. We were in Victoria, Canada from Saturday to Monday and, honestly, it was not the best trip ever. I'd been to Victoria before with our school's band when we went in middle school, as was tradition. But since this was our band director's last year the middle school and the high school, together, wanted to go one more time.

I used to play in the percussion section but switched to color guard this year, which was fun. The trip itself was fun but it was stressful. There were too many people and too much drama, so that got a little exhausting. If the trip had maybe been like a five day-long ordeal it probably would have been fine but with five people trying to all do what they wanted to do in a very short amount of time, things just got a little strained. Regardless, the city was still beautiful, the shops lovely, and the docks (my favorite part) wonderful. The people I was rooming with were all friends of mine, which made it fun, and the parades went really well. I think our color guard placed first in the Victoria Day Parade, and came in second, I think, in the other ones. The one part of the trip that was a little sour was right before we left to go perform at the Victoria Day Parade (the one that the high school was performing in on it's own (everyone in the high school learned two routines, songs, etc.) ) Our band director told us that our other band director (the one who was retiring) had decided that to celebrate his last year he wanted us to stay combined and perform the song that we had been performing all weekend in the big parade. So, of course we were going to do it (and if it was anyone else I probably would have been way more upset, but it was my old band director who is just really awesome, so I went along with it) but it was kind of like, so we learned a second routing for nothing? You know? We never got to perform that one, and it just all seemed kind of like a total waste of time to have learned that routine. Anyways, it all was fine, and it did feel right performing my old band director's last parade all together, so I guess maybe we'll find a different place to perform the other routine.

Last week was so stressful. I was throwing a surprise birthday party for a friend of mine who was turning sixteen, and we were all trying to cram in learning the routines for Victoria, my marketing class had it's last big project where I had to promote my company at a trade show, and I was also running for three offices at the same time (which I both got! I am now National Honor's Society president, DECA vice president, and Invisible Children vice president!). I was very, very happy for that week to be done. But now I've still got a research paper to finish, finals coming up, and all the other end of year crap going on before I get to finally relax for summer!

I hope the weather is fantastic wherever you are, it's definitely getting better here.

I have to go but I am happy to announce that I now have a whopping four votes on that food poll and will be making it as soon as the tie is broken.

French word of the day: Le soleil which is French for the sun.

Au Revoir!

"We must never confuse elegance with snobbery." - Yves Saint Laurent.

Friday, May 13, 2011


Commençons, d'abord, actuellement, j'ai reçu pas moins de deux voix sur la vidéo recette toute chose, si personne ne vote, je pense que je pourrais juste non plus de choisir celle que je veux faire, ou de supprimer le tout. Si vous voulez apprendre comment faire une bonne recette via le blog vidéo, s'il vous plaît voter ici: Vote!

First things, first; currently I have received a whopping two votes on the whole recipe video thing, so if no one votes I think I might just either pick the one I want to do, or abolish the whole thing. If you want to learn how to make a great recipe via video blog, please vote here: Vote!

Sorry I didn't really post this week. I couldn't even get on here because blogger was freaking out, saying that we could view our posts but not log in at this time. I finally got on here just now, and want to post quickly before it cuts out again.

I had AP tests yesterday which weren't that bad as everyone was chalking them up to be, but I'm not sure if that's just because I didn't really try, so it wasn't like I was stressed out about anything. I took the AP World test which included 70 multiple choice questions and three essays in four hours. Sucks, any way you look at it, but especially when you don't know what you're talking about. The essays were difficult but not extremely so, but the multiple choice questions were essentially a stab in the dark. We'll get my scores sometime in July, and depending, I might report what I got. Right now I'm just trying to keep under control all of the billions of tasks that seem to never get done and whose deadlines are looming. Therefore, instead of talking about the billions of things I feel like talking about right now, I'm going to get off and work (bleh).

French word of the day: Travail, which is French for work.

Au Revoir!

"A woman's perfume tells more about her than her handwriting." - Christian Dior.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Spa Treatments

En classe de marketing, j'ai travaillé sur un projet où nous faisons la promotion d'une société locale à travers une foire commerciale. Tout en essayant de trouver une entreprise que j'ai débattu faire un spa local et il m'a fait penser à mes traitements spa préféré. Par conséquent favoris d'hier lundi sont mes traitements spa préféré:

In Marketing class I've been working on a project where we promote a local company through a trade show. While trying to find a company I debated doing a local spa and it got me thinking about my favorite spa treatments. Therefore yesterday's Monday favorites are my favorite spa treatments:

1. Manicure - I'm not sure what it is, but whenever your nails are looking good, everything you do with those hands just looks better. Whether it's texting, picking up a book, cooking, anything and everything looks better with well manicured nails.

2. Pedicure - If I can afford it I would love to be one of those women who get their nails done every other week or even just once a month. And of course, if you're getting a manicure, you'll need a pedicure to go with it!

3. Facial - This is by far, the most relaxing spa treatment I've ever experienced. If you ever get the chance I highly, highly, recommend going to La Bella Mediqué Spa in Roseburg, Oregon. We were down around there for vacation and it is the most relaxing experience you can get.

4. Massage - I love massages, (all though who doesn't?), especially cause of my issues with my shoulder, it's nice to have all those muscles relaxed.

5. Reflexology - A whole hour spent on your feet? It just doesn't get any better than that.

I have an AP test this week and am going to be getting no sleep and studying my butt of so I will see you all when I come up for air!

French word of the day:  Détendr which is French for relax.

Au Revoir!

"I did not have three thousand pairs of shoes. I had one thousand and sixty." - Imelda Marcos.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Alexander McQueen, Remembered

Désolé les gars. Je sais que ce devait être publié il ya quatre jours, mais j'ai totalement oublié à ce sujet jusqu'à ce que vers midi le lundi et n'a tout simplement pas eu le temps de tout compiler. J'ai fini ma pelote les yeux, faire ce post. Je pense que je suis vraiment d'émotion sur McQueen parce qu'il était juste que cette personne incroyablement brillante, qui a donné la plus belle vie à ses dessins et il est si difficile à traiter qu'il est vraiment parti. Je voudrais pouvoir aller voir l'exposition. Elle dure jusqu'au 31 Juillet et je veux aller si mal! Peut-être vous aurez la chance incroyable d'aller voir vous-même..

Sorry guys. I know this was supposed to be posted four days ago but I totally forgot about it until about noon on Monday and simply didn't have time to compile everything. I ended up balling my eyes out, making this post. I think I get really emotional about McQueen because he was just this incredibly brilliant person, who gave the most beautiful life to his designs and it's so hard to process that he is really gone. I wish I could go see the exhibit. It lasts until July 31st and I want to go so bad! Maybe you will get the AMAZING opportunity to go see it yourself.

To start off, I want to show my favorite pieces from the past ten years that he has been designing, starting with his very first show. . .
Spring 2001 RTW

Fall 2001 RTW

Spring 2002 RTW

Fall 2002 RTW

Spring 2003 RTW

Fall 2003 RTW

Spring 2004 RTW

Fall 2004 RTW

Spring 2005 Menswear

Spring 2005 RTW

Fall 2005 Menswear

Fall 2005 RTW

Spring 2006 Menswear

Spring 2006 RTW

Fall 2006 Menswear

Fall 2006 RTW

Spring 2007 Menswear

Spring 2007 RTW

Fall 2007 Menswear

Fall 2007 RTW

Spring 2008 Menswear

Spring 2008 RTW

Fall 2008 Menswear

Fall 2008 RTW

Resort 2009

Spring 2009 Menswear

Spring 2009 RTW

Pre-Fall 2009

Fall 2009 RTW

Resort 2010

Spring 2010 Menswear

Spring 2010 RTW

Fall 2010 Menswear

Fall 2010 RTW; His Final Show

The Legend, Himself. . . McQueen

Alexander McQueen was an inspiration to so many people. I know how hollow that must sound, especially from someone who has never met him, and now never will, but the fact of the matter is, if I could be affected by him and his designs half-way around the world, then those close to him must have been truly blessed. We miss you and hope that wherever you are you're doing what you do best, designing dreams.

The rest of the lines are all by Sarah Burton and I'll be posting those this week, just to kind of cap it all off. 

The Met:

Diane Kruger, looking fabulous, as usual.
Blake Lively and Karl Lagerfeld
Miranda Kerr and Orlando Bloom

Jennifer Hudson
Chrissy Teigen and John Legend. Love this dress, particularly the material.

Angela Lindvall and Shalom Harlow
Zac Posen and Christina Ricci.
This dress is over the top and extravagant and I love it.
Hilary Rhoda. Simple and elegant.

Evan Rachel Wood. What an absolutely gorgeous dress!

Taylor Swift
A McQueen clutch

Florence and the Machine
Jessica Stam.

Mario Testino dancing with Kate Winslet

Stella McCartney and Colin Firth

Renée Zellweger

Emma Stone
Emma Roberts

Carmelo Anthony and La La Vazquez
Max Irons
Leelee Sobieski

Jennifer Lopez

Maggie Grace
Karlie Kloss

Michael Kors and Dianna Argon
Robert Duffy and Marc Jacobs
Doutzen Kroes

Sandra Lee
Elettra Wiedemann
Another shot of Elettra Wiedemann in this Fernanda Gattinoni dress.  The article about this dress and herself was featured in the April issue of Vogue. You can read the full article here:
Liu Wen
Mia Wasikowska

Janelle Monáe

Gisele Bundchen

You can see all of the coverage on this event, here: VOGUE.

I'm waiting for more pictures and information on the actual exhibit and promise to post it as soon as I can!

French word of the day: Glorieux which is the French word for glorious.

Au Revoir!

“It is important to look at death because it is part of life. It is a sad thing, melancholy but romantic at the same time." - Alexander McQueen.