Saturday, February 12, 2011

I Promise . . .

Je viens de regarder l'ensemble des Harper's Island épisodes. J'ai apprécié le spectacle, mais il était beaucoup trop gore à des moments, mais la fin m'a rendu triste. Je ne suis pas dire autre chose à ce sujet, mais si tu décides à regarder, je voudrais juste être prêt.

I just finished watching all of the Harper's Island episodes. I enjoyed the show, although it was far too gory for me at times, but the ending just made me sad. I'm not saying anything else about it, but if you decide to watch it, I would just be prepared.

Anyways, as I finished the last episode, it got me thinking about how throughout our entire lives we base our entire reality on what other people say. If someone says to you I graduated from Ohio State University, what reason have you to doubt them? None. But for all you know they could be lying. Not for any particular reason, perhaps, but it is still a lie. The first president of the United States was George Washington but what do we have to base that on? We have documents,  but those could have been falsified as well as any paintings of him. Families may have passed down stories about him but the first story could have been a lie. This makes no sense because of course George Washington was the first president but what if, just maybe, he wasn't? My whole point to this weird tangent was simply that you are not really in control of what you learn. Every single person on this planet gets to decide what they want each other to know. If I wanted, I could promise a friend something and they would believe whole-heartedly that I would keep that promise. I could introduce myself to some stranger tomorrow as Lucy Smith, and they would believe me one hundred percent that my name was indeed Lucy Smith. It's weird to think about, and it's not meant to make you paranoid, but it's just an odd concept to ponder.

I've been on this computer all day working on homework so I think I'm going to leave it here and post more tomorrow.

French word of the day: Tromper which means deceiving.

Au Revoir!

"In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel.

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