Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day!

Lundi favoris aujourd'huis mon top favoris comédies romantiques.

So, Monday favorites today are my top favorite romantic movies.

1. Can't Buy Me Love. This is one of my favorite eighties movies and has one of my favorite scenes of  all time; the lawn mower ride into the sunset. I love it!

2. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. This movie is so witty and funny. I love Matthew Mcconaughey and I wish that him and Kate Hudson would get married in real life, they have such great chemistry.

3. When Harry Met Sally. One of my all time favorite movies in general. I'm not a real fan of Billy Joel. I think he is so funny but I can't imagine kissing him (no offense). Love this whole movie and especially Harry's end of the movie speech.

4. Hitch. I love, love, love Will Smith. I think he is so charming and every movie of his, with the exception of one or two, I love.

5. Enchanted. The spin off of the old fairytale is done really well, with plenty of humor and wit. While it can be kind of corny at times, I still love it, especially for the costumes.

I have many valentine things I have to get to so I will post a belated Valentine's day post tomorrow! Happy Valentine's day everyone!

French word of the day: Saint-Valentin which means Valentine.

Au Revoir!

"Please do not have a fit in the fitting room. Your fashion life begins there." - Florence Eiseman.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

I Promise . . .

Je viens de regarder l'ensemble des Harper's Island épisodes. J'ai apprécié le spectacle, mais il était beaucoup trop gore à des moments, mais la fin m'a rendu triste. Je ne suis pas dire autre chose à ce sujet, mais si tu décides à regarder, je voudrais juste être prêt.

I just finished watching all of the Harper's Island episodes. I enjoyed the show, although it was far too gory for me at times, but the ending just made me sad. I'm not saying anything else about it, but if you decide to watch it, I would just be prepared.

Anyways, as I finished the last episode, it got me thinking about how throughout our entire lives we base our entire reality on what other people say. If someone says to you I graduated from Ohio State University, what reason have you to doubt them? None. But for all you know they could be lying. Not for any particular reason, perhaps, but it is still a lie. The first president of the United States was George Washington but what do we have to base that on? We have documents,  but those could have been falsified as well as any paintings of him. Families may have passed down stories about him but the first story could have been a lie. This makes no sense because of course George Washington was the first president but what if, just maybe, he wasn't? My whole point to this weird tangent was simply that you are not really in control of what you learn. Every single person on this planet gets to decide what they want each other to know. If I wanted, I could promise a friend something and they would believe whole-heartedly that I would keep that promise. I could introduce myself to some stranger tomorrow as Lucy Smith, and they would believe me one hundred percent that my name was indeed Lucy Smith. It's weird to think about, and it's not meant to make you paranoid, but it's just an odd concept to ponder.

I've been on this computer all day working on homework so I think I'm going to leave it here and post more tomorrow.

French word of the day: Tromper which means deceiving.

Au Revoir!

"In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Face Value

Lundi Favoris:

Monday Favorites:

1. OPI Quarter of a Cent Cherry nail polish. I believe this is the one that I had for my mani/pedi last month but I'm not one hundred percent sure. I really loved it and wished I would've asked for the name.

2. Butter London. Haven't actually tried this one but I just love the little bottle and the vibrant color!
3. Haven't actually tried these ones either, but come on, it's Chanel. To the left is Midnight Red and to the right is Organdy.

4. Orly nail polish in Crawford's Wine. This color dries really fast and looks great on.

5. N.Y. C nail polish in Purple Pizzazz Frost. I really like this color, it comes out a very deep purple and doesn't easily chip. 

Yesterday, in class my AP World teacher gave us slips to sign in order to take the AP world exam in May. She told us that our counselor had downloaded the wrong one and had printed off the slips in Spanish. She said that it just said that we won't blame the school for any reason if we fail the exam, it even had the little college board insignia. So we all signed it and handed it back. After a couple minutes our teacher revealed that she had lied and that the slip actually said that we agreed to give our souls and our total obedience to her. She was joking, of course, but the point was all the same; don't trust people/things on face value, and more importantly never sign anything you can't read. She did this specifically to give us an example of what it was like for people back when, who were deceived by the church. The church leaders would "interpret" what was in the bible, which was written in Latin and therefore was unreadable by the general public. Then in my second period class my marketing teacher told us that one of the teachers at our school had been a fashion buyer for a store in Oregon, and had us guess who it was. When we were told I was totally surprised, and she too stated, never take anything on face value because you just never know, right?

Anyways I was just thinking about that and how people can surprise you, if you give them the chance.

I'm about to leave to go look at shoes. I probably won't get any (no money), but you never know!

French word of the day: Valeur which means value.

Au Revoir!

""Style" is an expression of individualism mixed with charisma."- John Fairchild.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Finals Are Finally Over

Merci god. Finales sont enfin terminée! J'ai eu deuxième la moitié mon chimie finale aujourd'hui et a pris trois des  maths reprend (qui a eu la gentillesse de comme une deuxième la moitié à notre maths finale). Je ne crois pas trop bon sur chimie mais des maths reprend s'est assez bien, je pense que.

Thank god. Finals are finally over! I had the second half of my chemistry final today and took three math retakes (which was kind of like a second half to our math final). I don't feel too good about chemistry but the math retakes went pretty well, I think.

The spring 2011 couture shows just showed up online. Couture shows are my personal favorite. They are a concoction of fantasy portrayed in the most beautiful of forms. Below are examples from all nine designers who partook in the couture shows this year.

Alexis Mabille
I'm beginning to see a trend in Alexis Mabille's shows. In every fashion show out there, there are similarities between the pieces. A sense of togetherness, sure. But Alexis Mabille, I feel, might want to either create more pieces or tone down the similarities. I love his lines, I've said so before, but when you are not showing as many pieces, it becomes more obvious and more tedious when pieces look too much the same. Just some food for thought.

Armani Privé
This line jumped out at me because of it's striking differences from the other couture lines this year. With the dark plum lipstick and no eyes to be seen, the show has an eerie almost futuristic quality about it; like robots with fashion sense. I really love the one to the bottom left, who's fabric reminds me off pulled sugar.

This line was all bouncing bows, feminine fun, and pretty poufs. At the beginning of this year I was a little put out by all the pastels that seemed to be everywhere on the runways. But I think that at this point, the couture shows are bringing the basic pastels together to create airy, beautiful, shows. Chanel's 2011 Couture line is definitely a top favorite of this year.

Bouchra Jarrar
I had never really heard of Bouchra Jarrar until this show but thats probably because it's only her second! I think she looks very promising and I'm excited to see what she will produce next.

Christian Dior
I can't get over how much I love John Galliano. This year's spring couture show was just gorgeous! The fabrics, the colors, the subtle sensuality of the whole line. What I wouldn't give to be able to model for him!

I was a little disappointed by Givenchy's show this year. I thought the background resembled Alexander Mcqueen's 2010 RTW too much and the pieces were either too similar to one another or seemed to lack a certain umph. Overall not my favorite.

Jean Paul Gaultier
This year's show was so much fun! I'm usually not a fan of mohawks but I thought that the contrast between the pieces and the hair were wonderful. I loved how every piece exhibited an almost biker chic aura and yet still managed to be very feminine.  

Valentino's line was just lovely. It made me want to go out in the sun and walk the hills with a basket of flowers. The whole thing was just very light and very beautiful.

Elie Saab
And finally, Elie Saab! The reason I saved him for last is because I'm more or less posting every single picture from his 2011 Spring Couture line. This line was just fabulous! I couldn't pick just a couple pictures so I decided to post them all!

I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did. I have to go finish an English project on the Lord of the Flies (which is, by the way, a great book) and then have to make dinner.

French word of the day: Belle which is the feminine form of beautiful. The masculine form would be beau.

Au Revoir!

"We live not according to reason, but according to fashion." - Seneca.