Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I have started this post about twenty times over and simply cannot put words onto (metaphorical) paper. Therefore I decided to pick something rather arbitrary to discuss just so I could get another post up, in the hopes that a brilliant idea for a post will strike me in the near future. I am going to begin posting (semi) regular updates on my exercise routine for two reasons. One, I'm hoping that by reporting onto my blog I will hold myself accountable for exercising every day and two, maybe give people some helpful tips. This is not a weight-loss blog, though. I am not certified in anyway, nor am I trying to lose weight and therefore my food and exercise choices are aimed at toning and promoting a healthy body. I, thankfully, have been blessed with a fast metabolism that has kept me nice and skinny, however my eating habits are very poor and I realize that my fast metabolism will not last forever, nor will it protect me from permanent damage done to my body through the eating of colossal amounts of unhealthy food. This endeavor is being taken upon for the pure goal of being healthier.

I am writing this post at 8:00 in the morning and therefore haven't worked out yet. My basic goal is to run a mile a day, which I have successfully been doing for about two or three weeks now. Eating wise, I'm mainly focused on moderation and incorporating more fruits and vegetables into my diet. So we will see how I do.

I'm actually in school right now so I'll try to post more later!

French word of the day: Exercer which is French for exercise.

Au Revoir!

"Health is the greatest gift." - Buddha.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Icing and Iron Man

Hi guys! So I ended up not baking cupcakes on Thursday (hence no pictures) but next time I'm baking I will upload some. Yesterday I went and saw The Avengers, which was absolutely AMAZING, and ended up not getting home until 2 AM and, therefore, didn't get up until 2 PM today. It's been a pretty lazy day, so nothing really to report, but I though I would share with you guys some pictures that I took a couple weeks ago of some rose cupcakes that I had made for a friend's birthday. The photo quality is not great and I was using store bought icing so it was not very stiff, which made the roses flatten out a little, but they still resemble roses (I hope). Side note: These are not roses like you would make on an icing nail. These are done on the cupcake and are a quick alternative to actual iced roses.

In case you were wondering how to do this:

I used tip 1M. Starting in the middle, with the icing tip perpendicular to the cupcake, you squeeze the bag and move in a counter-clockwise motion, slowly moving out to the edge of the cupcake. After you've gone around the cupcake two or three times, and you are running out of space on the cupcake, you want to let up on the pressure and drag off the icing until you have no more icing coming out of the bag and the rose is ended in a little natural looking tail (I try to kind of wrap the tail underneath the previous circle of icing so you don't have this awkward thing hanging off your cupcake). Next time I'm baking I'll do a video of this so it's clearer, I know that written instructions on this sort of thing can be hard to follow. As I said before, I used store bought icing. While this is a great time and effort saver, the icing is not as thick as homemade icing and therefore does not hold designs as well. I added some powdered sugar to the icing and then refrigerated it for a good twenty minutes before using it and that helped thicken it some. It didn't change the taste much but it did make it fluffier (almost like whip cream). I couldn't decide if I liked it better with the added powdered sugar or not, but I definitely don't think it tasted bad. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have time to bake and can post a video!

French word of the day: Petit gâteau which is French for cupcake (or literally, little cake).

Au Revoir!

"Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first." -Mark Twain.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A Come Back

Hi everyone! I know it's been a few months since I last posted and I think I've found the reason why. I was driving myself insane, and I'm fairly sure you as well, with my mile long posts. I realized that posting was going to take an hour or more, so I eventually just stopped doing it. I'm hoping that by writing shorter posts but posting every day, I can commit myself wholly to this blog. This is something that I really love doing; it's very therapeutic (when I'm not screaming at my computer for not cooperating), and I love connecting with people over common interests. I'm currently attempting to add more detail to my blog and if anyone has suggestions I would love to hear them! Also as a side note I will be incorporating sign-off quotes that are not necessarily fashion related since there are a limited amount of those.

French word of the day: Perspicace which is the french word for perspicacious.

Au Revoir!

"I believe in pink." - Audrey Hepburn.