Thursday, July 7, 2011

Fourth of July

Le lundi, comme la plupart des gens en Amérique reconnue, était la quatrième de Juillet. Il ya quelque chose au sujet de la quatrième de Juillet qui m'a toujours mis à l'aise. Je pense que c'est la fiabilité que chaque année nous serons en participant à la même tradition cliché que nous ont toujours fait. Depuis je n'ai pas eu le temps de poster mes préférés lundi je serai en les affichant maintenant. J'espère que tous ceux qui vivent ici en Amérique avait un quart fantastique et que tout le monde dans le monde a connu une autre magnifique journée d'été!

On Monday, as most people in America recognized, was the fourth of July. There's something about the fourth of July that has always put me at ease. I think it's the reliability that every year we will be partaking in the same old clichéd traditions that we always have. Since I didn't have time to post my Monday favorites on Monday I'll be posting them now. I hope everyone living here in America had a fantastic fourth and that everyone else in the world enjoyed another wonderful day of summer!

1. The food! I'm not a hot dog person but I do love burgers and their general accompaniment of chips and fries.

2. The American Flags. Patriotism to your country is like loyalty to a friend. It's something I respect and something that greatly upsets me when people living in a country lack. If you don't like the country you live in then you can get out! Then everyone is happy.

3. The desserts! I love dessert any day but the fourth just feels more special with all the red, white, and blue, themed treats.

4. Smoke. I know that it's bad for the environment and probably our physical health, but I love the smell of the barbecue smoke, the fireworks, and the smoke from the street firecrackers. It's so characteristic of the fourth of July for me that it's just extremely soothing.

5. And, of course, the fireworks! I love that moment when you're sitting, gazing up at fireworks exploding over your head, and you just have this absolute moment of peace. I always get so giddy looking up at the fireworks and realizing that this was the same sky that hundreds of years ago, other people were staring at.

French word of the day: Feux d'artifice which is French for fireworks.

Au Revoir!

"Fashion is very important. It is life-enhancing and, like everything that gives pleasure, it is worth doing well." - Vivienne Westwood.

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