Sunday, September 11, 2011

Back to School . . .

Pourtant, un autre été est terminé, avec un début nouvelle année. Le seul point positif que je peux tirer de cela est que je vais enfin être un junior et que beaucoup plus proche de leur diplôme. Espérons que cette année passe vite.

Yet another summer has ended, with a new year beginning. The only positive I can draw from this is that I will at last be a junior and that much closer to graduating. Hopefully this year goes by fast.

Below are just some brief summaries about the spring 2012 RTW shows. I know I'm behind but I'll try to get caught up this week. I may or may not be posting all the designers, depending on how my schedule works out this week. Also I'm working on compiling a bag/purse post that should be posted in about a week. ALSO I will sometime soon be actually doing that video of a recipe that you guys voted on. The consensus was the sliced potato one so I'll get that to you guys as soon as possible.

Here are my favorites from the spring 2012 RTW shows. Enjoy!

Duro Olowu
This floor length dress to the right is stunning beyond belief. I love those moments when you're perusing the shows and a piece comes up that is just perfect. 

Erin Fetherston
This line was compiled of easy, breezy, cocktail dresses that were each beautifully made from flouncing, flowy, fabrics. I love how wearable they all look!

Lela Rose
I really loved the shapes of the dresses; the drawn in waists and the floaty skirts. And I really adored all the polka-dots!

The majority of this line I did not really enjoy but this one piece struck me as really beautiful and I decided to include it.

I'll be finishing my favorites soon!

French word of the day: Présentation which is the French word for presentation. For those of you who don't know the accent above the e in the word presentation is called the accent aigu and turns the e into an a (as in bay) sound.

Au Revoir!

"True artists - and I do think there are some fashion-designer artists - create because they can't do anything but create." - Tom Ford.