Sunday, August 28, 2011

I'm Back Part 2!

Ok, donc j'ai dit, je serais affichage sur Disney dès que j'avais le temps, et maintenant je fais! Disney, même si un flou complet, a été fantastique! Mes parents et ma soeur ne pense pas qu'elle était aussi grande que Disney Land, mais, puisque je n'ai que bouffées de vague de longues après-midi consacré à Disney Land, il ne m'a pas affecté autant. Pour commencer l'endroit est absolument énorme! C'est comme être dans une ville. Il a tout ce qu'il a autoroutes propres, c'est feux de signalisation propre, et l'on a appelé plus grand que la taille de Manhattan! Epcot est absolument magnifique. C'était amusant de faire l'expérience tant de différentes «cultures» en une seule journée. Dans chaque «monde» qu'ils avaient des personnes qui ont été réellement de ce pays qui y travaillent, qui fait tout plus authentique. J'ai été un peu déçu dans le pavillon français, qui ne compte que des magasins de parfum et une boulangerie unique. J'espérais quelque chose de façon plus liée au lieu de trois magasins consacrés au parfum. Même si je reconnais pleinement le fait que le parfum est une composante forte de la France, je pensais que l'une des capitales mondiales de la mode pourrait abriter un magasin de mode ou deux, dans son imitation de Disney. En France, j'ai acheté une écharpe en soie carrée, en Angleterre une imitation de bague de fiançailles de la Princesse Diana, et en Italie, j'ai acheté un masque complexe décoratif. Une fois que j'ai le temps, je posterai des photos. Je pense que ma partie préférée, cependant, commençait à avoir tous mes repas avec toute ma famille. Il nous a donné l'illusion du luxe complet, le genre que les riches sont en mesure d'apprécier sur une base régulière. Je m'ennuie de cet aspect des choses. La capacité de manger dehors sans retenue avec ma famille et de s'asseoir et de profiter d'une soirée sans la crainte d'y mettre fin.

Ok, so I said, I'd be posting about Disney as soon as I had time, and now I do! Disney, although a complete blur, was fantastic! My parents and my sister don't think it was as great as Disney Land but, since I only have vague flashes of long afternoons spent in Disney Land, it didn't affect me as much. For starters the place is absolutely huge! It's like being in a city. It's got it's own highways, it's own stoplights, and has been termed bigger than the size of Manhattan! Epcot was absolutely beautiful. It was fun to get to experience so many different "cultures" in one day. In each "world" they had people that were actually from that country working there which made everything more authentic. I was a little disappointed in the French pavilion which only consisted of perfume stores and a single bakery. I was hoping for something more fashion related instead of three stores devoted to perfume. While I fully recognize the fact that perfume is a strong component of  France, I had assumed that one of the fashion capitals of the world could house a fashion store or two, in it's Disney imitation. In France I bought a square silk scarf, in England an imitation of Princess Diana's engagement ring, and in Italy I purchased an elaborate decorative mask. Once I have time, I'll post pictures. I think my favorite part, though, was getting to have all my meals with my entire family. It gave us the illusion of complete luxury. I miss that aspect of it. The ability to eat out without restraint with my family and sit and enjoy an evening without the fear of it ending.

Epcot Ceneter

It was amazing to feel like a kid again and to be surrounded by people that were basically dedicated to creating general human happiness. I miss it but it is so nice to be home.

So, I've been reading like psycho today because I have like twenty issues of Vogue that are all half-read, and like fifteen books to read before the school year starts and I have no time to do anything, so I'm gonna get going and tomorrow I should have time to post on the recent RTW shows.

French Word of the Day: Pays which is the French word for a country.

Au Revoir!

"Fashion is architecture; it is a matter of proportions." - Coco Chanel.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Fall Couture 2011

Hé les gars, si je n'étais pas là quand les lignes de couture automne premier est sorti il ya deux mois. Ainsi, alors que je sais qu'il est tard, voici les points saillants des lignes de couture.

Hey guys, so I was gone when the fall couture lines first came out about two months ago. So, while I know it's late, here are highlights from the couture lines.

Alexis Mabille
I think Mabille is finally coming into his own, picking up some sophistication, and learning to take some risks. I'm very excited to see what he continues to turn out in the coming years!

Anne Valérie Hash
Hash had a kind of easy sultriness to her line this year. I wasn't a fan of many of the pieces but I did appreciate the lace and leather shoes and the easiness to which the pieces seemed to flow.

Armani Privé
This line was so polished and beautiful. I liked that the make-up on the models was not too distracting. I hate when the hair or the make-up is overdone to an extent that causes the focus to stray from the garment.

Azzedine Alaïa
There was some negativity circulating over this show due to some dispute between Anna Wintour (editor of Vogue) and the designer. I've steered clear of it, though, so that I can just enjoy the clothing.

Bouchra Jarrar
The lines in this show were very relaxed and easy. I liked the almost country club chicness that this line exhibited.

Chanel, as always, is fantastic. They are one of the few who are able to so perfectly capture the elegance and sex appeal of tweed. It's there, you just have to work for it.

Christian Dior
After John Galliano's rather disgraceful exit from the Dior scene, I was worried about how the company would change. I'm pleased to say that the changes are not too drastic and that the end result still exhibits the beautiful adventurous style that I've come to know over the past several years.

Elie Saab
Once again I am enthralled with Elie Saab's ability to drape fabric. His designs are confections of a spring romance and I adore every effortless, elegant, sensual, piece.


Giambattista Valli
The silhouettes of this line were fun and different with lots of ruffles. One of my favorite pieces of the entire fall couture season is the black and white floral belted, strapless dress that is short in the front and drapes away in the back to encompass the model in rolls of silk. It's fabric lends a regal air while maintaining a very modern shape.

While not a fan of his spring couture line this year, the similar shapes of this one somehow were more appealing. Attractive with lace and subtle waistlines, I really enjoyed this show.

Jean Paul Gaultier
I'm not usually a fan of menswear, simply because I'm a woman and therefore not really interested in what guys are wearing. I'm far too absorbed by what shoes I'll wear tomorrow or what fabric this skirt is made of, etc. But surprisingly, this line I was really intrigued by the menswear. I think part of that was due to it's rather feminist qualities, but, nonetheless, I think the show exhibited some really great pieces both for men and women.

Maxime Simoens
This was not my favorite of the couture lines but there was nothing specifically wrong with it. There were several nice items, just nothing that really struck me as phenomenal.

The simple tie waists, floaty hemlines and gauzy, ethereal fabrics had me completely entranced. I loved it!

Yay! I'm finally getting back into a schedule. I'm absolutely exhausted from going 15 hour days between volunteering, going straight to color guard and then working out but it's nice to have some semblance of normality again. I'll be posting on numerous things I have yet to be able to post on and also coverage of the fall and spring 2011 RTW lines will be coming.

French word of the day: La vie which is French for life.

Au Revoir!

"Chanel is composed of only a few elements, white camellias, quilted bags and Austrian doorman's jackets, pearls, chains, shoes with black toes. I use these elements like notes to play with." - Karl Lagerfeld.